Thursday, December 3, 2009

SKIN CARE QUESTIONS. someone help me please?

Okay, so I have a few skin care questions

1) It is bad to exfoliate twice a day?

I use St. Ives Apricot scrub twice a day everyday and then use a moisturizer. I have oily acne-prone skin so exfoliating just makes it feel as if my skin and pores are cleaner.

2) Can anyone give me a good homemade recipe for a face mask?

Maybe one especially used for oily, acne-prone skin.

3) I have large pores. I know a mask and washing my face will help, but what else can I do. My skin gets oily pretty fast, anyone know of a good pore cleaning strip or something.

Thanks for your answers! =DSKIN CARE QUESTIONS. someone help me please?
NO you need to keep it to once a day the more you do it the more oil your skin will produce and the larger your pores will become if you follow the steps below you will notice a big difference in just a few days. St. Ives is a harsh scrub for your face it is grate for the body I use it all the time but not for the face if you want some homemade product for the scrub use sugar and honey(lightly rub the scrub if you rub to hard you will put micro tares in your skin which causes premature aging). for a mask use honey baking chocolate, honey, and strawberry's.( leave on for 10 min.)

Day Night

wash wash

exfoliate mask

tone tone

moisturize moisturizeSKIN CARE QUESTIONS. someone help me please?
1. no it's okay. i do it all the time and it also makes my skin feel cleared . and also very soft. some people won't suggest it though but it's whatever your skin and you want!

2. i don't really know any.. but you can try searching on google home made face masks. sorry!

3. really good strips is biore. they make probably the bests ones. really good!
for oily skin, u might want to try to add just few (3-4) drops of lemon juice on ur cleaner. make sure that u dont use too much of it, and never apply concentrated lemon juice directly on ur face. this will not only help u to get ride of the oily skin, it will also help ur skin to have a healthy look. because lemons contained a lot of VITATMIN E.

another way u might want to try is to get a few drops of lemon juice and mixed it with toner. and apply it on ur face. wait for 30 min and wash it away. do that 7day/wk. u will notice the difference. DONT use it during the day, because lemon will make ur skin be very sensitive to the light.

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