Monday, November 30, 2009

Skin care/face washing?

id love to start taking better care of my skin cuz i want it to look flawless without makeup sooooo here's what i do now

at night wash my face with noxzema and then i use seabreexe with a cotten swab to get rid of excess dirt. but the only problem is the skin on my nose looks a little scaly. and when i wake up my skin is really dry.

so what do you think is a good routine that can help my skin? what drugstore products can i use.



face wash?


help pleazeSkin care/face washing?
I use plain neutrogena soap with no fragrance or dyes. I also use a little bit of Oil of Olay lotion with sunblock in it in the mornings but not at night. I'd definitely put extra lotion on your nose and maybe some vaseline or other petroleum jellySkin care/face washing?
I love biore! Their products are the only face washes etc. that I allow on my face. It helps keep pimples down, and if i do get them, they are small and not red. Biore is non-comedogenic and safe for really really sensitive skin (my skin was too sensitive for even proactive!!!) and this brand doesn't bother my skin.

I use the warming anti-blackhead scrub for my face wash. It really does get rid of them! I used to have them covering my nose, and now, if I get more, I wash a couple times, and they come off. Pimples are kept down too, and are mild if I get them. It has little beads to help get out dead skin cells too, so that's good!!!

I use the Nourish SPF 15 moisture lotion and it is amazing!!! You need less than a full pump each time you use it, and it goes on very smooth and cool. It burned a little the first few times when I used it, but it doesn't any more. It works really well, and gets rid of flakes quickly.

I just started using the triple action astringent, but as far as I can tell, it works really well! I think I saw a little improvement in my skin this morning when i woke up. It defiantly gets down shine, especially on my nose which is always sooo shiny!!!! It takes out shine, and I've read lots of good reviews for it. So far, great! It also has a cooling effect, which is nice in the morning!

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