Thursday, December 10, 2009

Skin care - moisturizer ?

So, lately I have been doing everything I possibly can to make my skin as smoothe and clear as possible. I have very normal/dry skin so I HAVE to use a moisturizer. Otherwise, my face feels very stiff. So, I have been using Aquafina Advanced Hydration Hydrating Facial Spray. It's like a light mist of Vitamin A%26amp;C, Jojoba oil and Aloe. I REALLY like it, but I am using a lot of it and I am wondering if this is ok? I think it's better because I am not touching my face and spreading oil from my hands. What do you think? Skin care - moisturizer ?
I have also normal/dry skin. I use Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture (Combination Skin). I have used it for years and its really good. It makes your skin just right. It moisturizes your face but it doesnt leave it oily. Skin care - moisturizer ?
using single line moistuisers are better then using different.
Good point! I like the idea that it's a spray, so you don't have to spread oil from your hands onto your face. It sounds fine to me! Just if it's expensive, maybe you could try to find a different moisturizer that's not as much money.

Good luck!

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