Thursday, December 3, 2009

Skin care/acne question. input appreciated.?

so all of my life i have battled with acne ( unfortunately i got screwed with some crappy genes..oh well ) anyway, its been much better the last few years due to growing up and and keeping clean. although the improvement was wonderful, i have recently started working at a job that requires me to be outside in the florida heat all day doing rather laborious activities, thus causing me to sweat more. as soon as i get home, i go straight to the shower, but i find that im breaking out more (probably because of being sweaty and dirty for a lot of the day). any suggestions on how to control the acne in this situation?

any input is appreciated.

thanks.Skin care/acne question. input appreciated.?
I suggest Phisoderm, three or four times a day.

The whole washing the skin thing is critically important at your age, and the acne crap companies take advantage of that. Just washing with soap %26amp; water will improve most problems. except for acne vulgaris, which is about toxins in the blood stream. That is of course helped sometimes with acutane.

Just rinse off every chance you get. Constrution site? find a hose. Picking fruit? I wouldn't use anything out there, liable to be toxic materials in the system. Carry a wet cloth in a zip bag and wash the open areas when you get a chance.Skin care/acne question. input appreciated.?
I suggest proactiv all the way! it's amazing. but it's like any medication... you can't just skip a lot and assume you're going to see results/get better. you have to keep up with it.

but it keeps my face clear. but like always, don't wash your face too much. it will get rid of the good oils and dry your face out. thus, causing you to still break out.

hope I helped.

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