Thursday, December 10, 2009

Skin-care tips for women in their 20s?

I'm 20 and want to start taking better care of myself, especially my skin, and instill healthy habits now. I have quite fair skin, light hair, etc...and have had some pretty bad burns in my life on my face, shoulders and back (mainly when I was a kid), but now I try to avoid the sun during peak hours and wear SPF daily. I drink lots of water, but am going to increase my intake. I'm trying (not that hard, though) to kick my junk food habit and eat more fruits and veggies. Just wondering if women, old and young, have any tips out there for aging gracefully? Would it be any good to start using anti-aging creams now? Or are those all gimmicks that don't actually work? Also, I use a bit of sunless tanner on my face everyday just to give me a little color and look a bit healthier, does anyone know if there are many harmful effects from that? Thanks!Skin-care tips for women in their 20s?
Start taking in vitamins. I take evening primrose oil and royal jelly pills at the start of every morning. Some friends I know have even started on collagen drinks.

Other than that, I take cranberry and blueberry juices and use a host of other skincare products, day and night. Rose hip oil is good; it helps keep the wrinkles at bay.

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